MTN Revolutionizes Software Development with CHENOSIS at PROMOTE 2024 [Video]

[Digital Business Africa] – MTN took center stage at PROMOTE 2024 with the grand unveiling of CHENOSIS, a groundbreaking API Marketplace set to redefine software development across the African continent. Positioned as a Pan African Developer Accelerator Platform (DxP), CHENOSIS represents MTN’s bold initiative to empower developers and enterprises alike, ushering in a new era of application development.

With CHENOSIS, developers gain access to an array of tools and resources designed to streamline the application development process, fostering greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness. As an Application Programming Interface (API) Marketplace, CHENOSIS facilitates seamless communication between software systems, enabling enhanced connectivity and functionality. By democratizing access to advanced development tools, CHENOSIS aims to elevate Cameroon’s status in the global software engineering domain.

MTN Revolutionizes Software Development with CHENOSIS at PROMOTE 2024

Among the notable CHENOSIS APIs already available in Cameroon is SIM Swap, a pivotal security layer for banks, startups, Insurtech and Fintech companies. This feature enhances customer experience and instills trust in banking services by validating crucial transactions. Additionally, services such as SMS, USSD and KYC further reinforce MTN’s commitment to delivering innovative solutions tailored to the evolving needs of businesses.
In conjunction with CHENOSIS, MTN Business showcased a diverse range of innovative products and services at PROMOTE 2024, including Microsoft-Copilot, MTN Serenity (a remote video surveillance solution for business owners), SD-WAN, MTN Smart Card etc. These offerings underscore MTN’s unwavering dedication to enhancing customer experience and fostering trust in digital transactions.

MTN Revolutionizes Software Development with CHENOSIS at PROMOTE 2024Furthermore, PROMOTE 2024 provided the ideal platform for MTN to engage with customers through a series of events and workshops, culminating in the insightful 29th edition of the MTN MasterClass. Themed “The Keys to Success in Digital Marketing and Advertising,” the MasterClass offered attendees invaluable insights into digital marketing strategies and mobile advertising solutions, with a particular focus on the SME Go Digital program.

As MTN charts a transformative course in software development, CHENOSIS emerges as a beacon of innovation, promising to revolutionize the technological landscape in Cameroon and beyond. With its visionary approach, MTN is poised to lead the charge towards a brighter, more connected future.

Source: MTN Cameroon


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