Massive Data Breach: Millions of NSIF Records Up for Sale on Dark Web

​- Several security experts note that millions of data from users of the National Social Insurance Fund (N​S​I​F) of Cameroon are already available for sale...
Piratées par des hackers, des millions de données de la CNPS en vente sur le Darkweb

Massive Data Breach: Millions of NSIF Records Up for Sale on Dark Web

​- Several security experts note that millions of data from users of the National Social Insurance Fund (N​S​I​F) of Cameroon are already available for sale...
Louis-Paul Motaze : « Le système financier camerounais s'est transformé grâce à l'utilisation des innovations digitales »

Louis-Paul Motaze: “The Cameroonian financial system has been transformed thanks to digital innovations.”

– The Minister of Finance of Cameroon, Louis-Paul Motaze, president of the National Economic and Financial Committee (NEFC) of Cameroon, officially launched the...

Orange Digital Center and Coursera join forces to offer free certification courses for new digital professions

Orange Digital Center is launching a free high-level certification training program in partnership with Coursera, the world leader in online learning. This partnership aims...
Cameroun : Blind Key, MAD'Socket, Smart Agrobot et SmartEd Africa sont les vainqueurs du POESAM

Orange launched the 14th edition of the Orange Social Venture Prize in Africa and the Middle East (OSVP)

 - Orange has launched the 14th edition of the Orange Social Venture Prize in Africa and the Middle East (OSVP) to support social innovation and...
Digital Business Africa

Orange Digital Center and Coursera join forces to offer free certification...

Orange Digital Center is launching a free high-level certification training program in partnership with Coursera, the world leader in online learning. This partnership aims...
Digital Business Africa
Cameroun : Blind Key, MAD'Socket, Smart Agrobot et SmartEd Africa sont les vainqueurs du POESAM

Orange launched the 14th edition of the Orange Social Venture Prize...

 - Orange has launched the 14th edition of the Orange Social Venture Prize in Africa and the Middle East (OSVP) to support social innovation and...
Digital Business Africa
Addressing the gaps and challenges to unlock the full potential of AI in Africa [Report] 

Addressing the gaps and challenges to unlock the full potential of...

Africa is embracing Artificial Intelligence in ways unique to the continent and is by no means showing signs to slow doen. This executive summary...
Digital Business Africa
Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava: "In many countries, fixed-broadband Internet is prohibitively expensive, if it is available at all"

Cosmas Zavazava: “In many countries, fixed-broadband Internet is prohibitively expensive, if...

I am pleased to present you the 2023 edition of Facts and Figures, ITU’s independent, meticulously researched, and timely snapshot of the state of...
Digital Business Africa
MTN Revolutionizes Software Development with CHENOSIS at PROMOTE 2024

MTN Revolutionizes Software Development with CHENOSIS at PROMOTE 2024 [Video]

- MTN took center stage at PROMOTE 2024 with the grand unveiling of CHENOSIS, a groundbreaking API Marketplace set to redefine software development...
Digital Business Africa

GIMACPAY processed 7.5 million transactions totaling 377 billion CFA Francs between...

– During a recent memorandum of understanding signing event held at GIMAC's new premises in Bastos, Yaoundé, AfricaNenda and GIMAC revealed noteworthy achievements...